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Hello and Welcome

Mrs. Andrea Robinson Logan
Vice President


What a humbling experience to be selected Vice President of the Northeast Region of IAMWMW Inc. (NER). Who would have thought that a transplanted Virginian would learn, contribute, and fellowship in such a great sisterhood. Congratulations to the Northeast Region Official Cabinet: Recording Secretary, Delorise Finerson (NY); Assistant Recording Secretary, Joanne Talley (DC); Financial Secretary, Lois Simpson Delk (NY); and Corresponding Secretary Deborah Brown (PA).


These sisters and I will be working hand-in-hand to expand, enlighten and enjoy the blessings from heaven coming our way. The faith we have in God, the love we have for each other and our sisterhood, and the continuous prayers have formed a bond that truly can never be broken.


Today is a new day! We are walking into tomorrow's overflow with our faith, love, and prayer. We have survived much within the last three years, but grace and mercy protected us all the way. We must celebrate what the Lord has done. We made it! God's goodness has called us to a greater, more effective ministry. 


I am honored to be the Vice President of the Northeast Region of IAMWMW Inc., Grabbing the Baton...Growing in Grace...Giving God the Glory!!!

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"Grabbing the Baton, Growing in Grace, and Giving God the Glory."

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